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Wickersham Road Newsletter
July 21, 2001


Greetings from the New Road Committee

In December 2000, Wickersham owners appointed a new road committee as part of its biennial rotation. The committee has been in place since Jan 2001. As you are aware little has been done regarding the road since that time. Fortunately, little has been required as the road is in relatively good condition.

At this time we would like to introduce the new committee to the Ranch Owners and spell out some of our goals for the upcoming term. We are also requesting comments from any interested Owners regarding information or practices that may be of interest.

2001 / 2002 Committee Members

Martin Dreiling
Parcel # 8, 9
1321 Paloma Avenue
Burlingame, Ca  94010
650 696 1200

Dianne Porter
Parcel # 14
49100 Wickersham Rd.
Geyserville, CA 95442
707 292-4962

Dave Schafer
Parcel # 5
227 Bodega Ave.
Petaluma, CA 94952



I think we were all pleased at the interest in the Ranch Owners meetings held last year. It was clear that all owners at the ranch were very interested in the continued quality of the ranch environment and protection of the natural character of the ranch.

As an extension of those meetings we are inviting extended communication regarding ranch issues. We have set up an e-mail account to be used for ranch communication that will be monitored by the Road Committee:


Please feel free to submit opinions, ideas, suggestions for research, articles, stories and any other items you might like to share. We will try to respond to all signed submittals personally or in upcoming newsletters as appropriate.

Additionally, Tami Bobb maintains a ranch website at:

Mailing address for all communications will be
Wickersham Ranch Road Association

1103 Juanita Avenue
Burlingame, CA  94010

Preferred Methods

The newsletter will be sent by USPS to all listed Owners. We would like to make a transition to e-mail distribution in order to save paper and speed delivery.

If you would like to receive communications via e-mail, please notify the committee.


Current Logging

As most everyone now knows, logging is underway on Parcel 12. This will affect the entire ranch road through mid- to late august:

Please use caution when driving the ranch road. Log trucks may be present at any time during the work week. Typically, there are three trips a day involving two trucks. This may vary at any time.

The Timber Plan requires the following work on the Ranch Road:

Preliminary grading for use by logging equipment

Ongoing watering to reduce dust and consolidate fines.

Installation of water control devices 

We are requesting that the operator post the road when log trucks are present. Additionally, we have clarified that the gates must be locked at all times.

If you observe any irregularities regarding the operations, please notify the Road Committee.

Front Gate Combination Change

On August 10, 2001, the combination to the front gate will change to the following:


Road Dues

If you have a dues notification included in your newsletter, that means you have outstanding dues. Please forward payment in the enclosed stamped envelope.

If you disagree with the notice, please contact Martin Dreiling at:

650 696 1200


Gate Issues

Front Gate

The front gate has been left unlocked or opened on numerous occasions. The owners of the front ranch have discovered this condition as well as owners at the Wickersham. The front ranch owners are very concerned about this problem as it affects the security of their land directly.

We would appreciate any information regarding misuse of the front gate so that we can discuss the matter with the offending parties. Please send e-mails to the address provided above.

We have clarified our policy to the logging operator on Parcel 12 regarding Front Gate locking. The owner of 12 assures us he will have a chat with the operator.

Regarding operation of the Front Gate, Dean Falkenburg graciously coordinated repair of the gate with the installer.

Big Iron Gate

At the end of last year the Ranch Owners voted to keep the Big Iron Gate closed and locked. Since that time the lock has been removed on several occasions and the gate has been left open.

We have heard numerous comments regarding the necessity of locking this gate. Additionally, we have had a change of ownership on the Front Ranch and now have two very friendly neighbors who share many of our interests regarding road security.

At this time the policy of locking the Big Iron Gate stands as voted. We will have a new lock installed soon. We will also return to the old policy of installing a combination lock when the key lock is vandalized. The combination lock will always be the reverse of the front gate combination

We have scheduled an inspection of the gate by the builder of the Front Gate to assess installation of a new lock and reconfiguration of the locking mechanism so that it is easier to use. We will have the lock replaced immediately. Depending on the extent of modifications to the locking mechanism, we may wait until winter to avoid fire risks from site welding.

Ranch Owners should be aware that the cost of replacing locks will affect the availability of resources for actual road maintenance. We hope that those vandalizing the locks can be persuaded to think differently regarding use of the road as the current usage is costing us all money.

Goals for 2001 / 2002

Over the next year and a half, we have identified the following goals for the committee beyond regular maintenance duties. These may be modified by a consensus of the owners at any time. Please forward any suggestions.

Clarify Road Policies

We would like to clarify the existing road policies in a concise memorandum for use by all Ranch Owners. We will attempt to describe current and applicable past policies regarding dues, road use and access practices. These will be presented in an upcoming Road News for comment by interested Owners.

Hopefully, by the end of the year we can have a single source of information regarding these policies. This should be helpful to all owners and to future Road Committees.

Clarify Road Maintenance Practices

We would also like to begin compiling a memorandum of road maintenance practices. This should serve as an Owners Manual for the road.

It will include the following categories of information:

General outline of recommended maintenance practices for rural roads.

General outline of regular road maintenance items based on an annual schedule.

Outline of regularly scheduled road inspections and maintenance efforts to be funded by the Road Association.

Outline of Road Hot Spots requiring special attention and monitoring

Outline of voluntary maintenance practices that can be performed on an incidental basis by Ranch Owners to help reduce road maintenance costs.

These outlines will be offered for comment by the Ranch Owners. They are intended to assist in establishing consistent road maintenance and use practices for the long term.

Long Term Planning

DFG / Water Quality Compliance

Over the next few years we will be faced with a number of issues relating to Water Quality. The State of California considers rural roads to be a primary source of siltation affecting watercourses. Various state and local agencies will become increasingly interested in minimizing watercourse siltation resulting from poorly designed or poorly maintained rural roads.

While we certainly do not want to invite excess regulation and bureaucracy,  we are well advised to get ahead of the game in ensuring that our roads meet current standards.

Additionally, it is important to understand that the various state and local agencies have specific interests in helping land owners comply with the Clean Water Act. First, these agencies have been placed in the middle by the federal court system. Required to enforce a federal law, they understand that there are thousands of land owners who either cannot afford to bring their roads into compliance or who simply refuse to comply with outside regulation.

As an incentive to owners, and as a means for political survival, there are a number of funding mechanisms available to assist owners in bringing their lands into compliance.

Over the next year we will look carefully at the various mechanisms available and keep the Ranch Owners apprised of policies and resources. The Road Committee will continue to research not only the applicable laws, but the various grant programs available and present those to the Owners.

We will conduct our research with a wary eye toward excessive regulation and with concern for letting the camels nose under the tent.

It is our belief that participation in early compliance programs will result in reduced impact of future regulation as well as reduced maintenance costs for our roads.

Formalization of Road Association

As an extension of our meetings last year, we will continue to explore the requirements for formalizing the structure of the Road Association. This may include incorporation or formation of a Limited Liability Partnership.


The following resources are available to assist land owners in various aspects of long term planning.

In future issues we will continue to present any resources that we discover which may be of interest to the Ranch Owners.

If there are resources that you think may be interesting to others, please forward them to the committee.

California Forest Stewardship Program / CDF

Land Trust Alliance

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